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Thermoo Commands

Thermoo introduces many different commands for interacting with its systems, as analogs to many of the methods in the Java/Kotlin modded side of the library. All commands in Thermoo are registered as subcommands of /thermoo for compatibility. Commands all print translated messages to chat, but come with fallbacks to US English.


The environment command interfaces with the Environment API to lookup various environment parameters. This is currently only implemented for the thermoo:temperature and thermoo:relative_humidity environment component types. Mods that create their own environment component types must also create their own lookup command for them.

Environment Temperature

Temperature is used to check the temperature reading at a specific location, or the environment temperature point change of a specific player. It is used as follows:

thermoo environment temperature <location> [<unit>] [<scale>]
Returns the temperature of the location in some unit, as determined by the local environment conditions.

Arguments: - location: A block position. - unit: An optional string, either celsius, fahrenheit, kelvin, or rankine. Determines what unit to display the temperature in. Defaults to celsius. - scale: An optional float. Multiplies the final temperature value so that commands can read the decimal point, if desired. Defaults to 1.0. - For example: a scale of 10.0 and a temperature of 31.3 Celsius would have the command return a result of 313 that can be stored in any of the normal targets of execute store result.

thermoo environment temperature <target>
Returns the environment temperature point change of the player's current position as calculated by mod event listeners.

Arguments: - target: A single player target.

Environment Humidity

thermoo environment relativehumidity <location> [<scale>]

Returns the relative humidity of the location in some unit, as determined by the local environment conditions.

Arguments: - location: A block position. - scale: An optional float. Multiplies the final relative humidity value so that commands can read it (the internal humidity value is stored as a 0-1 percentage). Defaults to 100.0. - For example: A scale of 10.0 and a relative humidity of 54.3% would have the command result of 5 that can be stored in any of the normal targets of execute store result.


Get Temperature

thermoo temperature get <target> [<mode>]

The mode can be one of the following:

  • current: Result is the current temperature of the target entity. This is the default behavior if not specified.
  • max: Result is the maximum temperature of the target entity.
  • min: Result is the minimum temperature of the target entity.

If mode is set to scale, then an additional argument may be specified:

thermoo temperature get <target> scale [<scale>]

The scale argument is an integer multiplier of the temperature scale of the entity, which is a percentage of how cold/warm they are, where -100% is maximum cold, and +100% is maximum hot. The result is the floor of the temperature scale of the target entity multiplied by scale. If scale is not specified then it will default to 100.

For example, a scale argument of 1000.0 and a temperature scale of 54.3% would have the command result of 543 that can be stored in any of the normal targets of execute store result.

Set Temperature

thermoo temperature set <targets> <amount>

Sets the temperature of each entity specified by targets to the specified amount, clamping between the target's minimum and maximum temperature.

Result: The sum of all amounts successfully added.

Add and Remove Temperature

thermoo temperature (add|remove) <targets> <amount> [<mode>]

Adds or removes the specified amount of temperature to the target's current temperature, clamped between their min and max temperature. The change is applied in the specified mode.

The mode specified how and when thermal resistances should be applied. By default, if not specified it will be treated as absolute. The modes are as follows:

  • absolute: No resistance will be applied
  • active: Resistance will always be applied
  • passive: Only applies thermal resistance when the target is currently in the relevant temperature range. For example, cold resistance is only applied to targets that are cold; and heat resistance only to targets that are warm.

Result: The sum of the amounts successfully added or removed before resistance is applied. If removing, the result will be negative.


A command to control the wet ticks of an entity.

Get Wet Ticks

thermoo soaking get <target> [<mode>]

Gets the current, min, or max wet ticks value of the target.

Arguments: - target: A single entity target. - mode: Optional enum, must be one of current, min, max, scale. Defaults to current. - current: Returns the current wet tick value of the target. - min: Returns the minimum allowed wet tick value of the target (always 0). - max: Returns the maximum allowed wet tick value of the target. Controlled by the attribute thermoo:max_soaking_tick_multiplier.

If the mode is scale, there is an additional argument:

thermoo soaking get <target> scale [<scale>]

Arguments: - scale: An optional float. Multiplies the final temperature value so that commands can read the decimal point, if desired. Defaults to 100.0. - For example: a scale of 100.0 and a soaking scale of 31.3% would have the command return a result of 31 that can be stored in any of the normal targets of execute store result.

Set Wet Ticks

thermoo soaking set <target> <value>

Sets the target's wet ticks to the specified value.

Arguments: - target: A single entity target. - value: The integer value to set the target's wet ticks to.

Add and Remove Wet Ticks

thermoo soaking (add|remove) <target> <value>

Adds or removes the specified value of wet ticks to the target's current wet ticks, clamped between their min and max wet ticks.

Arguments: - target: A single entity target. - value: Integer, amount of wet ticks to add or remove. Cannot be negative.