Environment Provider Definition
The Environment Provider is a datapack registry that is used by the Environment Registry to actually do the job of providing the environment parameters for a world position. It has a registry path of thermoo/environment_provider
For mods, you should place your files in src/main/resources/data/[modid]/thermoo/environment_provider/
and for datapacks, they should instead be placed in [world]/datapacks/your_datapack/data/[namespace]/thermoo/environment_provider/
Environment Providers work as a tree-like structure that has two categories of types: branching types that choose a child provider based on some world condition, and leaf types that can provide the environment components directly, or modify the current set in the evaluation tree.
Environment Provider Formats
: The root tag."
type: The type of the environment provider. See the list below for the format of each type....
: Based on the value of type.
Environment Provider Types:
Just to be clear on how type delegation works, here is a complete example of an environment provider using the thermoo:constant
"type": "thermoo:constant",
"components": {
"thermoo:temperature": 35.0
The primary leaf provider type that provides a constant set of the components.
: The root tag."
type: Must bethermoo:constant
components: A component map containing pairs of environment component ID keys to the component value. The entries in this map must be Environment Components.
If a component ID specified by an instance of this provider type is already defined in the current evaluation tree during lookup, then this will overwrite it. If a component ID is already defined in the evaluation tree, but not specified by an instance of this provider, then it will be left alone. So you can have multiple thermoo:constant
providers in the same provider tree - see thermoo:modify
for one way of doing this.
Temperate Seasonal
A branch provider that chooses a child provider based on the current Temperate Season (Spring, Summer, Autumn, or Winter). This also works in biomes with Tropical Seasons.
: The root tag."
type: Must bethermoo:seasonal/temperate
fallback_season: Optional, the key of an entry in the seasons compound to use if no temperate season exists at the queried world position (usually because a seasons mod like Fabric Seasons is not installed). If there is no season and the fallback season is empty, then this provider will return empty.{}
seasons: A map of Temperate Season IDs to Environment Providers. Must contain at least one entry."
spring: Optional, the Environment Provider ID or in-line Environment Provider to use when the current season is Spring."
summer: Optional, the Environment Provider ID or in-line Environment Provider to use when the current season is Summer."
autumn: Optional, the Environment Provider ID or in-line Environment Provider to use when the current season is Autumn."
winter: Optional, the Environment Provider ID or in-line Environment Provider to use when the current season is Winter.
In order for a season to be chosen, you will need to install both a Seasons mod and a compatibility patch mod. Thermoo Patches is such a compatibility patch mod which works for Fabric Seasons, Serene Seasons, and Simple Seasons. If no season mod is installed, then the specified fallback_season
will be used.
Tropical Seasonal
A branch provider that chooses a child provider based on the current Tropical Season (Wet or Dry).
: The root tag."
type: Must bethermoo:seasonal/tropical
fallback_season: Optional, a key in the seasons map to use if no tropical season exists at the queried world position (usually because a seasons mod like Fabric Seasons is not installed, or because the queried world position is not in a tropical biome). If there is no season and the fallback season is empty, then this provider will return empty.{}
seasons: A map of Tropical Season IDs to Environment Providers. Must contain at least one entry."
wet: Optional, the Environment Provider ID or in-line Environment Provider to use when the queried world position is currently in the Wet Season."
dry: Optional, the Environment Provider ID or in-line Environment Provider to use when the queried world position is currently in the Dry Season.
In order for a season to be chosen, you will need to install both a Seasons mod and a compatibility patch mod, and the Seasons mod must have support for Tropical Seasons. Thermoo Patches is such a compatibility patch mod which works for Fabric Seasons, Serene Seasons, and Simple Seasons. If no season mod is installed, then the specified fallback_season
will be used.
Light Threshold
A branch provider that chooses a child provider if the light level at the queried world position is at or above some threshold.
: The root tag."
type: Must bethermoo:light_threshold
light_type: Optional string. One ofblock
. Applies a filter to the type of light used for calculating the threshold value. If not specified, then the light level will be the combined light level ofmax(block_light, internal_sky_light)
apply_ambient_darkness: Optional boolean. If the light_type issky
, then will subtract off an "ambient darkness" value from the raw skylight value at the queried world position. This is a value used by the game to determine the final "internal" skylight level when its night or stormy. No effect if light_type is notsky
. Defaults totrue
threshold: Integer, the threshold light level used to choose the provider to use after the above filters to use. Must be in the range[0, 15]
above: The Environment Provider ID or in-line Environment Provider to use when the light level at the queried world position is at or above the threshold value."
below: The Environment Provider ID or in-line Environment Provider to use when the light level at the queried world position is strictly below the threshold value.
Weather State
A branch provider that chooses a child provider based on the world's current global weather state. To choose a provider based on a biome's particular precipitation type (snow, rain, cloudy), use Precipitation Type.
: The root tag."
type: Must bethermoo:weather_state
clear: Optional, the Environment Provider ID or in-line Environment Provider to use when the current weather state is clear."
rain: Optional, the Environment Provider ID or in-line Environment Provider to use when the current weather state is rainy, but not thundering. Applies regardless of the queried world position's biome precipitation type."
thunder: Optional, the Environment Provider ID or in-line Environment Provider to use when the current weather state is thundering. Applies regardless of the queried world position's biome precipitation type.
Precipitation Type
A branch provider that chooses a child provider based on a biome's precipitation type. This is always the same whether it is raining or not. To choose a provider based on the world's current weather state, use Weather State.
: The root tag."
type: Must bethermoo:precipitation_type
precipitation_type: Map of precipitation type to child provider. Must have at least one entry."
none: Optional, the Environment Provider ID or in-line Environment Provider to use in biomes where it never rains."
rain: Optional, the Environment Provider ID or in-line Environment Provider to use in biomes where it can rain but not snow."
snow: Optional, the Environment Provider ID or in-line Environment Provider to use in biomes where it can snow.
Temperature Shift
A leaf provider that adds a temperature shift to the current value of the thermoo:temperature
component in the evaluation tree. This is only recommended to be used as an entry in the modifiers
list of the thermoo:modify
environment provider type.
If there is not an instance of the thermoo:temperature
component in the current evaluation tree, then this provider will not do anything and log a warning.
: The root tag.D
shift: A temperature record that is added to the current instance of thethermoo:temperature
component in the evaluation tree. It is recommended to use the absolute units (Kelvin or Rankine) for this record, but not mandatory.
A branch provider that sets a base provider, then applies a list of providers as "modifiers" to it in order.
: The root tag."
type: Must bethermoo:modify
modifiers: Identifier of an Environment Provider, a list of environment provider IDs, or a#
-prefixed environment provider tag ID, for exampleexample:night_temperature_shift
. Applies a series of providers to the base in the order specified as "modifiers"."
base: An Environment Provider ID, or in-line defined Environment Provider.
The Thermoo Test Mod provides examples for all environment provider types, but here are a few other ones.
Provide a low temperature in places it is currently snowing.
"type": "thermoo:weather_state",
"rain": {
"type": "thermoo:precipitation_type",
"precipitation_type": {
"snow": {
"type": "thermoo:constant",
"components": {
"thermoo:temperature": -10.0
"thunder": {
"type": "thermoo:precipitation_type",
"precipitation_type": {
"snow": {
"type": "thermoo:constant",
"components": {
"thermoo:temperature": -10.0
Make an area warmer when exposed to sunlight.
"type": "thermoo:modify",
"modifiers": [
"base": {
"type": "thermoo:constant",
"components": {
"thermoo:temperature": 20.0
"type": "thermoo:light_threshold",
"light_type": "sky",
"threshold": 15,
"above": {
"type": "thermoo:temperature_shift",
"shift": {
"value": 18.0,
"unit": "rankine"
"below": "example:empty"
"type": "thermoo:constant",
"components": {}
Custom Environment Provider Types
Mods may define their own environment provider types. To do this, create a class which implements EnvironmentProvider
and write your logic for it. This class should be immutable, so it is highly recommended to use record
classes (in Java) or data
classes (in Kotlin) for this purpose.
You will then need to create a MapCodec
to be assigned to an EnvironmentProviderType
which is then registered to ThermooRegistries.ENVIRONMENT_PROVIDER_TYPE
A leaf provider type that provides a constant temperature value.
public record ConstantTemperatureEnvironmentProvider(
TemperatureRecord temperature
) implements EnvironmentProvider {
public static final MapCodec<ConstantTemperatureEnvironmentProvider> CODEC = RecordCodecBuilder.mapCodec(
instance -> instance.group(
).apply(instance, ConstantTemperatureEnvironmentProvider::new)
// usually would go in its own EnvironmentProviderTypes-like class, but kept here for simplicity.
public static final EnvironmentProviderType<ConstantTemperatureEnvironmentProvider> TYPE = new EnvironmentProviderType(CODEC);
public void buildCurrentComponents(World world, BlockPos pos, RegistryEntry<Biome> biome, ComponentMap.Builder builder) {
builder.add(EnvironmentComponentTypes.TEMPERATURE, this.temperature);
public EnvironmentProviderType<ConstantTemperatureEnvironmentProvider> getType() {
return TYPE;
public static void initialize() {
Identifier.of("example", "constant_temperature"),
data class ConstantTemperatureEnvironmentProvider(
val temperature: TemperatureRecord
): EnvironmentProvider {
companion object {
val CODEC: MapCodec<ConstantTemperatureEnvironmentProvider> = RecordCodecBuilder.mapCodec { instance ->
).apply(instance, ::ConstantTemperatureEnvironmentProvider)
// usually would go in its own EnvironmentProviderTypes-like class, but kept here for simplicity.
val TYPE: EnvironmentProviderType<ConstantTemperatureEnvironmentProvider> = EnvironmentProviderType(CODEC)
fun initialize() {
Identifier.of("example", "constant_temperature"),
override fun buildCurrentComponents(
world: World,
pos: BlockPos,
biome: RegistryEntry<Biome>,
builder: ComponentMap.Builder
) {
builder.add(EnvironmentComponentTypes.TEMPERATURE, this.temperature)
override fun getType(): EnvironmentProviderType<ConstantTemperatureEnvironmentProvider> {
return TYPE