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Loot Conditions

Thermoo defines some custom types of loot conditions. There is one for temperature, and one for wet ticks.

Temperature Loot Condition

  • {}: The root tag.
    • " condition: Must be thermoo:temperature
    • I {} value: Integer range. Either an exact temperature value or a temperature value range compound with I min and I max keys.
    • D {} scale: Integer range. Either an exact temperature scale or a temperature scale range compound with D min and D max keys.

Requires a 'this' entity loot context variable.

If the 'this' entity is not temperature aware, returns false.

Both scale and value must pass to return true.

Soaked loot condition

  • {}: The root tag.
    • " condition: Must be thermoo:soaked
    • I {} value: Integer range. Either an exact soaked value or a soaked value range compound with I min and I max keys.
    • D {} scale: Integer range. Either an exact soaked scale or a soaked scale range compound with D min and D max keys.

Requires a 'this' entity loot context variable.

If the 'this' entity is not soakable, returns false.

Both scale and value must pass to return true.


Is cold predicate:

    "condition": "thermoo:temperature",
    "value": {
        "max": 0

Is warm predicate:

    "condition": "thermoo:temperature",
    "value": {
        "min": 0

Is max temperature predicate:

    "condition": "thermoo:temperature",
    "scale": 1.0