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Armor Materials API

The primary use of this API is to provide ways to add Frost and Heat Resistance to armors as easily as possible.


This feature is exclusive to Thermoo 4.x for Minecraft versions 1.21-1.21.1, and is deprecated for that version. In 1.21.2, Minecraft removed the Armor Material registry making this API impossible to update. Instead of using this API, mods can use the item attribute modifier event. For datapacks and modpacks, I would recommend checking out the Default Components mod.


  • ArmorMaterialEvents#GET_HEAT_RESISTANCE - Gets the heat resistance for a particular armor material and armor type
  • ArmorMaterialEvents#GET_FROST_RESISTANCE - Gets the frost resistance for a particular armor material and armor type

You must register a listener to these events for resistances to be applied to any armours, the tags below are just for convention/ease of use between mods.

Armor Material Tags

Again, these tags are just for convention. You don't have to use them. In fact, there is a known issue when using the tags to apply heat and frost resistance where it doesn't really work with a datapack's normal world-independence. For now, the tags should only be used in datapacks that apply to all worlds on a modpack/server.

  • thermoo:very_resistant_to_cold and thermoo:very_resistant_to_heat- armor materials that should add a lot of frost/heat resistance (respectively)
  • thermoo:resistant_to_cold and thermoo:resistant_to_heat- armor materials that should add a little frost/heat resistance (respectively)
  • thermoo:very_weak_to_cold and thermoo:very_weak_to_heat- armor materials that should remove a lot of frost/heat resistance (respectively)
  • thermoo:weak_to_cold and thermoo:weak_to_heat- armor materials that should remove a little frost/heat resistance (respectively)


These are Armor Material tags, so their elements are armour materials (like minecraft:chainmail), and they go in data/thermoo/tags/armor_material/${tag_path}.json.