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Thermoo provides four units for storing temperature records: Celsius, Fahrenheit, Kelvin, and Rankine. These units are stored in the TemperatureUnit enum class, which provides the facilities for converting values between these units.

The TemperatureRecord class stores a (value, unit) tuple of a temperature recording. This class can also handle things like shifting temperature, conversion between units, and comparisons. It is highly recommended to use this class when working with temperature values.

In Kotlin, you can create TemperatureRecord instances using field extensions on numbers provided by TemperatureRecordExtensions.

Usage Examples

Apply a 10°C/18°F temperature increase to a temperature record.

TemperatureRecord shiftTemperature(TemperatureRecord base) {
    TemperatureRecord shift = new TemperatureRecord(18, TemperatureUnit.FAHRENHEIT);
    return base.add(shift);
import com.github.thedeathlycow.thermoo.api.kt.TemperatureRecordExtensions

fun shiftTemperature(base: TemperatureRecord): TemperatureRecord {
    return base + 18.F

Check if a temperature record is at or below the freezing point of water (0°C/32°F).

boolean isFreezing(TemperatureRecord temperature) {
    TemperatureRecord freezing = new TemperatureRecord(0, TemperatureUnit.CELSIUS);
    return temperature.compareTo(freezing) <= 0;
import com.github.thedeathlycow.thermoo.api.kt.TemperatureRecordExtensions

fun isFreezing(temperature: TemperatureRecord): Boolean {
    return temperature <= 0.C

Temperature Record Data Format

Temperature records can be stored as a number (where the number will be interpreted as the record's value in Celsius), or as a compound with value and unit keys that specify the unit of the record.

  • D: Number. The value of the temperature record in Celsius, or;
  • {}: The root tag.
    • D value: Number. The value of the temperature record.
    • E unit: The unit of the temperature record. Must be one of celsius, fahrenheit, kelvin, or rankine.


Recording a temperature of 30°C in an Environment Component map.

    "thermoo:temperature": 30.0

Recording a temperature of 68°F in an Environment Component map.

    "thermoo:temperature": {
        "value": 68.0,
        "unit": "fahrenheit"

Recording a temperature of 0°K in an Environment Component map.

    "thermoo:temperature": {
        "value": 0.0,
        "unit": "kelvin"