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Tick Events

Thermoo introduces several events to control status changes each tick on entities and players. There are essentially four sets of events: Active Temperature Changes, Passive Temperature Changes, Soaking Changes, and Player Environment Temperature Changes.

Each set of events has three events associated with it, following the pattern of:

  1. ALLOW_X_UPDATE: Whether to allow the tick update to proceed.
  2. GET_X_CHANGE: Computes the status point change for the update.
  3. ALLOW_X_CHANGE: Whether to apply the status point change to the affected entity.

These events are applied in order, but each set can be invoked in any order.

Event Categories

Event Category Containing Class Description
Active Temperature Changes LivingEntityTemperatureTickEvents Targeted temperature changing effects, such as being on fire.
Passive Temperature Changes LivingEntityTemperatureTickEvents Temperature changes sourced from nearby blocks, such as standing on Ice or being near a Campfire.
Soaking Changes LivingEntitySoakingTickEvents Changes to an entity's wet ticks.
Player Environment Temperature Changes ServerPlayerEnvironmentTickEvents Temperature changes applied to players from their local Environment.

All event listeners will receive an EnvironmentTickContext<T> object that contains the information about the entity, their world, and their block position in that world. For players, and players only, updated Environment Components will also be available.